What to Do When Nothing Blooms

IrisThere it was – swaying in the cold wind that came whipping around the house – a single bloom. Today is the first of May and usually by now my iris blooms have begun to fade and make way for other spring flowers, but this year this single bloom is not only late but lonely. Irises are a hardy spring flowers and they’ve been known to bloom around old farm houses for decades after the occupants have left the farm. I have raised irises in many places for many years and I cannot remember a spring in which they did not bloom – until this year.

The Texas Panhandle is a land of extremes when it comes to the weather. Temperatures in the summer can soar to triple digits and winter lows can plummet to negative numbers. It is not uncommon for wind gusts to top more than 50 mph. We have tornadoes, torrential rains, blizzards, hail that is measured in feet, severe drought and dirt storms in which rolling walls of dirt block out the sun and reduce visibility to almost zero. Since 2011 the Texas Panhandle has experienced one of the most severe droughts since the 1930’s and although we have had a little moisture this spring it has not been nearly enough and the land remains parched and dry. This week has continued the fight between winter and summer that we have seen repeated throughout the month of April with temperatures warming to almost summer like heat only to fall below freezing a few days later. Yesterday it was in the 90’s and tomorrow’s highs will remain in the 40’s. I think perhaps it has been these temperature extremes along with the prolonged drought that has stripped spring of its color and I long for warmer weather and colorful spring flowers. IMG_2889

Sometimes life can seem as dry and colorless as the Texas Panhandle during a drought. We feel continually buffeted by storms and emotional extremes that dry up our reserves and weigh heavy on our heart. And although we may have a brief reprieve in which the weather warms and we can kick off our shoes and relax, the recess does not last long enough to grow or even gain strength before we are once again blasted by the cold winds of despondence and despair. What do we do when we’re downcast and discouraged; when we have nothing to offer – no blooms, no fruit, no increase; no offering?

IMG_0710We remember! I remember all the many seasons in which my yard was ablaze with color. I remember the years of rain and abundance. I remember blessings to numerous to count and I remember to give thanks for the past as well as the present. Throughout the pages of scripture the saints of God remember His mighty works and they are strengthened by the remembrance of His deliverance. So when we have no blooms, when we don’t even have the hope of fruit, we can remember and be encouraged that the One who was faithful is faithful still. IMG_0720The rains will come again, the flowers and fruit will bloom and produce in abundance, and the thirsty will be satisfied. Even if it doesn’t rain this side of heaven I will still rejoice in the remembrance of my blessings and the God of my salvation!

About sheilacampbell

I’m a writer and the author of My Journey With Justin. It has taken me a long time to see that God’s beautiful, redemptive work is most often seen in brokenness, so I’m learning to live beautifully broken and more than mended. I write for the grieving, the broken, the outcast (LBGT Christian parents and adult children), the lonely, and the abused, and I share how I have found joy and peace in all of these hard places.
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7 Responses to What to Do When Nothing Blooms

  1. cmdale says:

    Wow – so well expressed, Sheila. We’ve all been there and I’m reminded of the Psalmist who cried “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. ” Psalm 43:5 Praying for a colorful spring moment to jump out and surprise you.

    • Cheryl, I love the way the psalmist repeats this phrase three times in Psalm 42 and 43. I find that encouraging because I often have to remind myself over and over to ‘put my hope in God and praise Him’. Thanks for the beautiful prayer!

  2. Marella says:

    Loved your post, Sheila! It reminded me of Habakuk 3:17-18, “Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.” What to do when nothing blooms in our lives? Rejoice in the Lord! I hope that will be my first response to dry seasons and colorless days because the He is the same loving God no matter the circumstances.

    • Marella, What a beautiful passage! This passage reminds me of Job 1:21, “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” May we all remember to rejoice in the Lord always – even when the seasons are dry and the days are colorless! Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Kelle says:

    I am new to following your blog. I read TOS and was reading an old issue online and came across your March 2012 article “The Sweet Smell of Rain.” Then I found this, the title spoke to me as lately I feel nothing I am doing is blooming and nothing in my life appears to be blooming. Thank you so much for the reminder and I am grateful to the other’s posts as well that help me remember to always rejoice in Him. Thank you and God Bless

  4. Jen says:

    Thank you for putting your thoughts down in such a beautiful way. I am using it as an outline (with credit!) for a short talk I am doing for homeschool support group leaders.

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